Thursday, March 17, 2005
Mastersoft Looking for Beta Testers
Posted by Jason Dunn in "EVENT" @ 05:30 PM
"Mastersoft are looking for beta testers for the next release of Mastersoft Money. V6 features schedules, splits, wireless currency updates as well as over 100 other changes. With so many improvements they need as many beta testers as possible. Beta 1 will be available from 15th April so if you wish to be included then sign up now at our Web site. All those who report bugs/enhancements will of course be featured in the credits and get a free copy."

If you've got an eye for detail, and like a bit of glory (and free software), Mastersoft wants you! :wink: And isn't that box snazzy? Designed by our very own Fabrizio!

If you've got an eye for detail, and like a bit of glory (and free software), Mastersoft wants you! :wink: And isn't that box snazzy? Designed by our very own Fabrizio!