Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Navigate Yourself with Navigon MobileNavigator|5
Posted by Darius Wey in "HARDWARE" @ 05:00 AM
"We've all had the experience: you've lost your way and the route you have chosen seems to bring you further and further from your intended destination. The time pressure is causing droplets of sweat to form on your forehead: the new restaurant will only hold your reservation for another 15 minutes. Shortly before closing time, you still haven't managed to find the new shoe store and the bargains you hoped to find aren't going to materialise. You begin to struggle with the patented folding street map on the passenger seat. Up until now, you never found a way to make peace with the technology. A navigation system was too complex for you to operate – even the programming of the video recorder was something you left to your nephew. Now NAVIGON has a solution for you.: with the MobileNavigator|5, the fast, secure locating of destinations and exceptional ease-of-use are guaranteed."

Just in the past few hours, Navigon announced the release of MobileNavigator|5 at CTIA 2005 in New Orleans. It's available on a wide variety of mobile platforms, but most importantly, Pocket PCs! This mobile navigation system is available with maps for North America, twenty-seven European countries and six Gulf states. Some really neat features include voice command capabilities, intelligent traffic jam avoidance functions, signpost information and much more. The press release can be found here.

Just in the past few hours, Navigon announced the release of MobileNavigator|5 at CTIA 2005 in New Orleans. It's available on a wide variety of mobile platforms, but most importantly, Pocket PCs! This mobile navigation system is available with maps for North America, twenty-seven European countries and six Gulf states. Some really neat features include voice command capabilities, intelligent traffic jam avoidance functions, signpost information and much more. The press release can be found here.