Thursday, March 10, 2005
A Better Blue-er Way to Communicate
Posted by Jon Westfall in "SOFTWARE" @ 08:00 AM
"ProximityMail helps you meet, find, exchange and share using your wireless device. With ProximityMail, it's easy to find new friends and exchange with people who share your hobbies and interests. Our technology, BluePing Networks, turns groups of Bluetooth wireless devices into a spontaneous "random area network" completely free of additional infrastructure – no servers or base stations. Unlike other point-to-point networking or messaging products, such as SMS, IM, or email, ProximityMail allows users to communicate spontaneously and anonymously to groups of users, without knowing specific user’s PDA id, phone number or email address."
This is an interesting idea in my opinion - a way to send messages or allow users to interact directly without the need for a central server! Imagine heading into a movie theatre with a loudmouth - now the loudmouth can simply text all of their comments to the other loudmouths in the theatre without bothering the rest of us (Assuming they turned their PPC volume down). Restaurants could use it to send out the specials of the day when you walk in, and large meetings could use it to allow everyone to be heard. Without having to know everyone's name or phone number, I suppose the possibilities are endless.

This is an interesting idea in my opinion - a way to send messages or allow users to interact directly without the need for a central server! Imagine heading into a movie theatre with a loudmouth - now the loudmouth can simply text all of their comments to the other loudmouths in the theatre without bothering the rest of us (Assuming they turned their PPC volume down). Restaurants could use it to send out the specials of the day when you walk in, and large meetings could use it to allow everyone to be heard. Without having to know everyone's name or phone number, I suppose the possibilities are endless.