Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Myst Released For Pocket PCs
Posted by Janak Parekh in "SOFTWARE" @ 04:00 PM
"Cyan Worlds, Inc., the makers of the Myst and Riven series of photo-realistic completely immersive adventure games, together with Mean Hamster Software, brings you all of the rich detail, sounds, music and challenging puzzles found in the original release version of Myst, but now in a very portable form designed especially for the Pocket PC. Requires Macromedia Flash Player (if not already installed on your device)"

I'm not sure about the Flash requirement. Does it mean these guys have designed one huge SWF that contains Myst? Or do they use it for individual animations? If anyone decides to jump the gun and buy it, let us know how it is... and if I come across any reviews on the 'Net I'll be sure to post a followup. [Affiliate]

I'm not sure about the Flash requirement. Does it mean these guys have designed one huge SWF that contains Myst? Or do they use it for individual animations? If anyone decides to jump the gun and buy it, let us know how it is... and if I come across any reviews on the 'Net I'll be sure to post a followup. [Affiliate]