Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Tired of Tappin'? Launch Those Programs Faster!
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "SOFTWARE" @ 12:00 AM
"How do you get to frequently-used apps quickly? I like Windows Mobile 2003 SE's feature of having the last four recently-used programs on the Start menu, but you can also easily configure the other items on this menu in the Menus control panel in Settings. Taking this idea a bit further is Wisbar 2 Advance, which adds 'cascading menus' to the Start menu, not unlike the style used in Windows on the desktop."

This is a good overview for those of you who are new to Pocket PCs. Jenneth's got more up her sleeve than just Wisbar Advance 2, so give it a read. Nice, concise, informative and with some really spiffy screenshots. ;)

This is a good overview for those of you who are new to Pocket PCs. Jenneth's got more up her sleeve than just Wisbar Advance 2, so give it a read. Nice, concise, informative and with some really spiffy screenshots. ;)