Friday, February 25, 2005
Clinton Fitch Reviews Spb Weather 1.0
Posted by Darius Wey in "ARTICLE" @ 12:00 PM
"Like many things today, weather information on the Internet is abundantly available. The daily weather and forecast for almost any location in the world can quickly be found. This proves to be handy for business travelers, wanting to know how they should pack for their next trip, as well as vacationers. Until recently, the challenge has been getting this information to a useable format on Pocket PCs. Spb Software House has a long and impressive lineup of software application for Pocket PC owners. This line was recently made better with the addition of Spb Weather 1.0."

Clinton Fitch has just put together another review on an Spb product. This time, it's Spb Weather 1.0. If you're out scouting for a weather application for your Pocket PC, be sure to give this review a read.

Clinton Fitch has just put together another review on an Spb product. This time, it's Spb Weather 1.0. If you're out scouting for a weather application for your Pocket PC, be sure to give this review a read.