Monday, February 21, 2005
Card Wars, Episode 1: The USB Menace
Posted by Darius Wey in "HARDWARE" @ 02:00 PM

We've posted on the weird and wonderful in the world of SD/USB cards. Just in the past few days, two new ones have appeared in the market. (1) The first being a higher-performance version of SanDisk's earlier SD/USB offering. This new product is actually part of their Ultra II product line, with write speeds touted at 9MB/sec and read speeds at 10MB/sec. They will be available in both 512MB and 1GB. (2) The second product on offer is from Delkin. However, it's not nearly as exciting as SanDisk's card. Sizes on offer are 128MB and 256MB, although 512MB and 1GB cards are expected to be made available in the second quarter of this year. Nevertheless, with more and more of these SD/USB cards appearing in the market, we can certainly expect prices to drop and a greater range to be on offer in the near future (fingers-crossed). Are any of you looking to purchase one sometime soon?