Monday, February 14, 2005
Skype Hooks up with iMate
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:00 PM
"Seems like Skype is everywhere you want to be lately, and their latest smooth move is to announce that i-mate will ship their new PDA2K and PDA2 Pocket PC Phones pre-loaded with Skype’s Voice over IP software so you can start making free calls right out of the box."

Is it just me, or is Skype really getting around these days? It seems like not a day goes by that I don't read about them hopping in the sack with another wireless provider or device OEM. Not that I'm complaining, mind you - Skype's a mighty fine little application, full of ripe, glistening promise. Just remember that you'll need a device capable of wireless data that ISN'T GPRS.

Is it just me, or is Skype really getting around these days? It seems like not a day goes by that I don't read about them hopping in the sack with another wireless provider or device OEM. Not that I'm complaining, mind you - Skype's a mighty fine little application, full of ripe, glistening promise. Just remember that you'll need a device capable of wireless data that ISN'T GPRS.