Monday, February 14, 2005
Motorola MPx Available at MobileCityOnline for $599.99... or not!
Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai in "HARDWARE" @ 01:00 PM

I don't know if there's another device that has generated as much forum discussion on our boards over the past several months as the Motorola MPx. Well, for those of you still unswayed by its many criticisms, I was going to let you all know that the MPx is reportedly available at MobileCityOnline for $599.99. That's a nice price compared with what we had seen in prior weeks elsewhere, and this device is GSM unlocked (900/1800/1900) as well. Even one of our own PPCT contributing editors had placed an order over the weekend and was looking forward to posting his impressions sometime early next week. Boy, how quickly things can change in one night! As of this morning, the status has changed from In Stock to Coming Soon and an email was reportedly sent out to all who placed orders warning that the price is subject to change.
So, if you think you'd be interested in this device and uhhh..., are willing to wait, and uhhh... are willing to pay what *might* be $599.99... :roll: Hmmm, needless to say, that PPCT editor mentioned above changed his mind and cancelled his order.