Friday, February 11, 2005
Windows Mobile Always-Up-To-Date Sync With Exchange 2003
Posted by Janak Parekh in "ARTICLE" @ 08:00 AM
"Users of AUTD ActiveSync compatible devices that also have their own Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 can benefit of an always-on approach for messaging. This feature enables users to automatically receive new messages when they arrive on their Inbox. It feels in many ways similar to the Blackberry experience, but with some subtle differences...In the rest of this article I am going to explore some of the configuration settings and problems I found while configuring my own AUTD ActiveSync platform. First of all we need to understand how this feature works."

Mauricio's written a fantastic how-to article on Exchange 2003 "push-like" functionality -- it's clearly written, easy to understand, and links to some key Microsoft Knowledgebase Articles. I've been meaning to set this up for some time, and now I think I'm going to try it. I'll report back on my experiences (as soon as I find a few minutes to do it, that is). 8)

Mauricio's written a fantastic how-to article on Exchange 2003 "push-like" functionality -- it's clearly written, easy to understand, and links to some key Microsoft Knowledgebase Articles. I've been meaning to set this up for some time, and now I think I'm going to try it. I'll report back on my experiences (as soon as I find a few minutes to do it, that is). 8)