Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Size Matters: hw6500 Sizes up?
Posted by Jon Westfall in "HARDWARE" @ 05:02 PM

Ubergizmo has an interesting article that seeks to find the size information on the hw6500 by using known sizes from other devices (i.e. the Treo 650, Ipaq 4355). The math looks reasonable, and if their calculations are correct, this thing isn't going to be too much bigger than other devices in its class at 2.9" wide and 4.95" High. Comparing that to the 6315 at 2.9" wide and 4.6" High, we can see its still fairly pocketable.
As posted here before, the specs on this thing look pretty good. I don't know if its good enough to sacrifice WiFi for GPS, but pretty good all the same. With rumors flying that it may be around as early as April 2005, this year may be another year we spend wondering about HP's new IPaq Phone :roll: