Wednesday, February 9, 2005
XDrive & A Pocket PC Make Beautiful Music Together
Posted by Jon Westfall in "SOFTWARE" @ 12:36 PM

XDrive has been around for a long time by internet standards. I remember playing with it in the late 90's, when everything was coming out for free (i.e. free web space, free file space, free email, free etc...) before the bubble burst! About a month ago, I decided to give XDrive a chance again, and purchased a paid account so I could evaluate it for my needs. XDrive gives its users 5 GB of online storage for a little under $10 a month, allowing users to upload files from their PC and access them anywhere. The perfect solution for those of us who don't want to carry around USB flash drives or CD-Rs everywhere we go. My previous solution to this was to email myself a file, so in theory, this is much better (In practice, I'm still undecided on it...).
Recently, XDrive announced a new premium service designed to allow users to listen to music over the internet through their PCs or mobile devices. As outlined on their "Your Music. Anytime" page , Their service allows you to upload your music, create play lists, and listen on the go. They offer a 15-day free trial - anyone want to take it for a test drive and report back?