Monday, February 7, 2005
The Checkered Past of...Checkers?
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "SOFTWARE" @ 09:00 PM
"The game of checkers has been around, depending on who you talk too, for hundreds if not thousands of years. The earliest evidence of checkers dates back to 3,000 B.C. while the modern game is attributed to the French (1100 A.D.). Intorine has made several versions of checkers and their latest version, Allure Checkers 2.0, is exceptional. The game is small in footprint and responsive, allowing users to quickly play games at five different difficultly levels and four different sets of rules. These options make a timeless classic all-the-better."

Clinton Fitch gives us a brief history of checkers and then jumps into a detailed review of Intorine's Allure Checkers. All told, it looks pretty slick, with some nice skins, detailed options, and game-specific rules. I've already learned something new today, as I had no idea that there was more than one "flavor" of checkers. Since I have no additional checker-related jokes, I'll just pipe down and let you read the review. Oh, and if you feel an irresistable urge to satisfy your checker jollies, you can buy a copy for only $9.95 from our friends at Handango. [Affiliate]

Clinton Fitch gives us a brief history of checkers and then jumps into a detailed review of Intorine's Allure Checkers. All told, it looks pretty slick, with some nice skins, detailed options, and game-specific rules. I've already learned something new today, as I had no idea that there was more than one "flavor" of checkers. Since I have no additional checker-related jokes, I'll just pipe down and let you read the review. Oh, and if you feel an irresistable urge to satisfy your checker jollies, you can buy a copy for only $9.95 from our friends at Handango. [Affiliate]