Monday, February 7, 2005
Double Blow To PalmOS Smartphones
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "THE COMPETITION" @ 12:30 PM
A few interesting things have happened on the dark side, er, ahem, I mean on the PalmOS platform regarding smartphones this past week. First up, pa1mOne released the Treo 650 for the Cingular network and apparently, Cingular didn't care for the unlocked price of $599 prompting pa1mOne to raise the price to $699, causing a bit of an uproar in several Palm communities..$699 gets you a quad-band GSM PalmOS 5 device with 23MB of RAM (stop snickering), Bluetooth, and SDIO slot that doesn't work with the SDIO WiFi card pa1mOne sells, a 640X480 camera and support for polyphonic ringtones. I'm giddy just reading the specs. :roll: Contrast that to an unlocked iMate PDA2K that gets you Windows Mobile 2003SE, 128MB of RAM, 43MB of ROM file storage, Bluetooth, WiFi, a voice recorder, 640X480 camera and as well as a QWERTY keyboard for thumbjockies.

Next up is the long awaited Sprint PCS CDMA enabled Samsung i550. Dead. Part of the reason is Sprint is leaving the PalmOS side of things to the Treo 600 and moving to the Windows Mobile based i600 for their dedicated smartphone offering.

Next up is the long awaited Sprint PCS CDMA enabled Samsung i550. Dead. Part of the reason is Sprint is leaving the PalmOS side of things to the Treo 600 and moving to the Windows Mobile based i600 for their dedicated smartphone offering.