Friday, January 28, 2005
WiFiTunes: Stream iTunes To Your Pocket PC
Posted by Janak Parekh in "SOFTWARE" @ 12:00 PM
"This project started primarily as a proof of concept and is still very much still work in progress. This application will discover via Rendezvous any iTunes running on Macs or PCs on your local network and allow you to browse the library or playlist and then stream MP3s directly to your PDA. Example uses include connecting your PDA headphone jack into a stereo in another room in your house (I have mine streaming music to the bathroom). Major things that need done are AAC support (at the moment it uses the fmodce library so see here for the file formats supported). I'll contact the fmod folks and see if they are planning on adding AAC support. I've set it so it doesn't bother displaying any m4p or m4a files. "

Very cool stuff! I only use AAC in my iTunes setup, so it's not useful to me just yet, but if another family member stole your iPod for the day and you're working around the house, a solution like this could be handy.

Very cool stuff! I only use AAC in my iTunes setup, so it's not useful to me just yet, but if another family member stole your iPod for the day and you're working around the house, a solution like this could be handy.