Saturday, January 29, 2005
First Feature Film Shot for the Pocket PC
Posted by Jason Dunn in "ARTICLE" @ 12:00 PM
"Independent filmmaker Rob Reilly's new comedy "Back to Manhattan" is one of the funniest gangster films of the year. However, chances are you will never see it in a theater-and Rob wouldn't have it any other way! In fact, he's more interested in getting his film into your pocket than on the screen of your local Cineplex. So, he took pains to frame his epic seventy-five minute film for the small screens of portable media players and Pocket PCs-not forty-foot theater screens. The results are stunning! Rob's film looks and sounds great, without any of the visual artifacts, color shifts, and audio inconsistencies that plague most full-screen files converted to small-screen formats. (Editor's note: As used in this article, "portable media player" is a generic term describing a portable device that plays video and audio, including the new Portable Media Center devices described in this issue, Pocket PCs, and devices that do not use the Windows Mobile OS.)"

Lately I've been seeing more and more Pocket PCs in movies and TV shows (especially CSI and other crime/drama shows), and now we have movies designed specifically for Pocket PC playback. Nice! :way to go:

Lately I've been seeing more and more Pocket PCs in movies and TV shows (especially CSI and other crime/drama shows), and now we have movies designed specifically for Pocket PC playback. Nice! :way to go: