Thursday, January 20, 2005
Clinton Fitch Reviews Conduits Pocket Player 2.52
Posted by Jason Dunn in "THOUGHT" @ 10:00 AM
"One of the great movements in the history of Pocket PCs has been the progression of multimedia content being available on the devices. Gone are the days of a Personal Information Manager (PIM) only device. They have been replaced with full featured, rich applications that allow for the playing of video and music in high fidelity. Conduits Technologies has been involved in this aspect of Pocket PC life for several years and has taken a leading role with their application Pocket Player. Pocket Player, now in version 2.52, is full-featured audio applications that allows users to play a variety of audio formats. The application also includes a built-in equalizer, hardware button mapping, bookmarking and play list management. Pocket Player is one of the more established audio applications available for Pocket PC users and the maturity of the product shows straight away with its ease-of-use and flexibility. Any audiophile Pocket PC owner will love Pocket Player."

Clinton Fitch has a review on Pocket Player by Conduits - and it's not his first review, because he has a long list of reviews dating back to April 2004. I believe this is the first time we've linked to his work, which seems like a shame. ;-) I'm especially impressed that he's written all of the reviews on his Pocket PC using a keyboard and TextMaker. Heck, he even has an editorial calendar - now that's some serious planning! Go check out his site and his reviews.
And speaking of reviews, in the coming weeks we'll be doing another call for reviewers, so if you're interested in writing for Pocket PC Thoughts, get those word processors ready! ;-)
Clinton Fitch has a review on Pocket Player by Conduits - and it's not his first review, because he has a long list of reviews dating back to April 2004. I believe this is the first time we've linked to his work, which seems like a shame. ;-) I'm especially impressed that he's written all of the reviews on his Pocket PC using a keyboard and TextMaker. Heck, he even has an editorial calendar - now that's some serious planning! Go check out his site and his reviews.
And speaking of reviews, in the coming weeks we'll be doing another call for reviewers, so if you're interested in writing for Pocket PC Thoughts, get those word processors ready! ;-)