Tuesday, January 18, 2005
What I Do In My Spare Time #2: Shady Skin (Windows Media)
Posted by Darius Wey in "CONTENT" @ 09:00 AM

You saw Part 1 of the "What I Do In My Spare Time" series. Now welcome to Part 2! :-) So what do I have for you today?
A somewhat "shady" friend of mine asked me if I could create a dark skin. Now being clueless and too lazy to ask, I had to leave it up to myself to work out the meaning of "dark". Did he want a dark, horror-style skin, or a dark, media-style skin? I decided he wanted the latter (and thankfully I was right). So here you have my latest Windows Media skin release - "Shady". It is available from Handango or PocketGear and costs you absolutely nothing. Same details apply as last time - that is, landscape and VGA support is lacking, and while it may work in Media Player 10, exclusive features such as album art support will not be present. But back on topic, "Shady" is vastly different to the "Bubble" skin you saw earlier so chances are if you liked the first one, this one may not suit you too well. Although I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one. So start posting! :-)