Friday, January 7, 2005
SmartVideo Opens the Door for Mobile Devices
Posted by Darius Wey in "NEWS" @ 05:00 AM
"Richard E. Bennett, Jr. president and CEO of SmartVideo Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: SMVD), today unveiled landmark agreements that will allow SmartVideo to deliver high-quality television broadcasts from NBC Universal and The Weather Channel to cellular-internet enabled mobile devices ("Smartphones") using Microsoft's WindowsMedia Mobile technology. For the first time, consumers with Smartphones will be able to view live television anywhere, anytime on Pocket PC, Mobile PDA and Smartphone mobile devices."

SmartVideo have teamed up with ABC News, NBC Universal and The Weather Channel to deliver a live television service for mobile device users. The service is enabled for most consumers operating over a wireless network, and the SmartVideo library allows for a wide range of programming selections so you can choose what to watch, and when to watch it. It has been optimised to deliver a high-quality service at a minimum of 15 frames per second. More information can be found at the SmartVideo website.

SmartVideo have teamed up with ABC News, NBC Universal and The Weather Channel to deliver a live television service for mobile device users. The service is enabled for most consumers operating over a wireless network, and the SmartVideo library allows for a wide range of programming selections so you can choose what to watch, and when to watch it. It has been optimised to deliver a high-quality service at a minimum of 15 frames per second. More information can be found at the SmartVideo website.