Wednesday, January 5, 2005
WiFi In Your Car For Only $3,500, Plus Monthly Fees
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "NEWS" @ 02:00 PM,,SB110488144715416968-IdjgINplaZ4m5uqaX6GaaqHm4,00.html
"Road warriors may soon have a new weapon -- a fast Web connection in their cars via satellite. RaySat Inc., a closely held company in Vienna, Va., says it has developed a satellite antenna that can turn a moving car into a rolling "hot spot" -- with Internet access for any onboard laptop or pocket computer equipped with the wireless-networking technology known as Wi-Fi."

That Frisbee looking thing on the roof is the antenna. It will run roughly $50-$200 per month and support downloads up to 2mbps. Uploads would be at a more measured pace of 128kbps, which would prevent you from doing full motion video conferencing while blasting down the freeway at 75mph. It is only really dangerous though if you are trying to show your colleagues a broadcast of a Power Point presentation while snarfing down a Big Mac. :shocked!: Couple this with the Microsoft Windows Media powered upcoming video service from Sirius, well then you have the makings of some serious highway entertainment. Wonder if you have to activate your car?
"Road warriors may soon have a new weapon -- a fast Web connection in their cars via satellite. RaySat Inc., a closely held company in Vienna, Va., says it has developed a satellite antenna that can turn a moving car into a rolling "hot spot" -- with Internet access for any onboard laptop or pocket computer equipped with the wireless-networking technology known as Wi-Fi."

That Frisbee looking thing on the roof is the antenna. It will run roughly $50-$200 per month and support downloads up to 2mbps. Uploads would be at a more measured pace of 128kbps, which would prevent you from doing full motion video conferencing while blasting down the freeway at 75mph. It is only really dangerous though if you are trying to show your colleagues a broadcast of a Power Point presentation while snarfing down a Big Mac. :shocked!: Couple this with the Microsoft Windows Media powered upcoming video service from Sirius, well then you have the makings of some serious highway entertainment. Wonder if you have to activate your car?