Friday, December 31, 2004
Freepaq Reviews Battery "Activator" -- Hoax Or Real Solution?
Posted by Janak Parekh in "HARDWARE" @ 09:00 AM
"The Batterylife Activator is a Japanese invention (with an international patent pending). This unique innovation has been evaluated and documented by several prestigious institutions and universities (University of Osaka, University of Kobe, SG Telecom S. Korea und NTT Docomo). It enables longer battery life as well as improved regeneration and utilization of the Li-Ion battery. The Batterylife Activator is easy to install and starts working after 5-10 charging cycles. Remove the battery from the phone. Peel the protective foil from the batterylife Activator and attach the Activator to battery. Re-connect the battery to the mobile phone."

The net effect is that this little sticker somehow magically improves battery life. I know what you're already thinking -- this looks like a variation on those useless cellphone booster stickers. Well, the Freepaq reviewers came into this review completely skeptical as well, but the results were surprising... and we've posted on Freepaq before, so I know they're not a fly-by-night bunch. ;) I still find it hard to believe something like this would work, though. Do we have any electrical engineers who could explain why they got the results they did? (By the way, if you want the English translation of the review, click on the English logo in the upper-right-hand corner when you view the article.)

The net effect is that this little sticker somehow magically improves battery life. I know what you're already thinking -- this looks like a variation on those useless cellphone booster stickers. Well, the Freepaq reviewers came into this review completely skeptical as well, but the results were surprising... and we've posted on Freepaq before, so I know they're not a fly-by-night bunch. ;) I still find it hard to believe something like this would work, though. Do we have any electrical engineers who could explain why they got the results they did? (By the way, if you want the English translation of the review, click on the English logo in the upper-right-hand corner when you view the article.)