Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Mobile Planet Now Shipping Asus MyPal A730W Pocket PC for $569.95
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 01:00 AM
"It's time to leave behind your notebook, digital camera, MP3 player and voice recorder The ASUS MyPal A730W is one device to replace all. A professional yet stylish design and various entertainment features make this all-new Pocket PC the ideal companion for all situations. Integrated wireless can now be found on the latest model, the A730W. Wireless and Bluetooth can operate simultaneously providing the busy traveller with ultimate connectivity. With a 1.3 Mega-Pixel camera built in, the MyPal A730W let you capture the greatest moments of your life into high-quality photos. It also provides video camera function and a 3.7-inch LCD, much larger than those of any digital camera."

128 MB of RAM, 3.7" VGA display, 520 mhz CPU, USB host, 1.3 MP camera - all for $569 USD? What's not to like? Ok, some of you might not like that camera, but that's a pretty sweet Pocket PC. Mobile Planet apparently got a few in stock today, so if you've been waiting, now's your chance to order one! [Affiliate]

128 MB of RAM, 3.7" VGA display, 520 mhz CPU, USB host, 1.3 MP camera - all for $569 USD? What's not to like? Ok, some of you might not like that camera, but that's a pretty sweet Pocket PC. Mobile Planet apparently got a few in stock today, so if you've been waiting, now's your chance to order one! [Affiliate]