Sunday, December 19, 2004
ReenSoft Release PIEPlus V1.3 beta 1
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "SOFTWARE" @ 05:30 PM
I've been using PIEPlus for a while now. I liked it's feature set and the way it made PocketIE usable and was disappointed to see that it was not happy with WM2003SE. It's been difficult to browse without it, but no longer. I got an email from ReenSoft the other day and they have just released PIEPlus V1.3 beta 1 to address the problem. They've also added a few more features along the way:
You can download the beta at the ReenSoft website, though I can't find any documentation other than the email I was sent. It's free for registered users and unregistered users can try it for 14 days. Just be aware that this is not a finished product, so the usual warnings about backups etc. apply. I have spotted a few issues, but it's good to be browsing in true VGA with PIEPlus again. I hope they release the final version soon. 8)
- WM 2003 SE support (including support for VGA devices)
- Tabbed multiple windows. Tab control has 2 additional buttons to close the window and toggle screen drag feature.
- Full screen button in the toolbar
- Play sound or make window foreground when page is loaded
- Screen drag. You can also set sensitivity for screen drag

You can download the beta at the ReenSoft website, though I can't find any documentation other than the email I was sent. It's free for registered users and unregistered users can try it for 14 days. Just be aware that this is not a finished product, so the usual warnings about backups etc. apply. I have spotted a few issues, but it's good to be browsing in true VGA with PIEPlus again. I hope they release the final version soon. 8)