Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Goamo - "True VGA"-Compatible SIP
Posted by Janak Parekh in "SOFTWARE" @ 08:00 AM
"These new Pocket PCs with VGA screen are pretty cool, especially if you tweak it a little bit with SE_VGA or OzVGA to get the VGA resolution for other applications like PIE as well. However, there is a downside which is the SIP keyboard which stays small and pretty tiny. However, now there is a solution from 'Goamo' available: This VGA SIP Keyboard displays a large, usable keyboard even in true VGA mode (480X640 96DPI enabled by SE_VGA or OzVGA utilities). Replace that tiny default keyboard and easily browse the web in true VGA while using the VGA SIP Keyboard to easily input URLs and data. Great for data input into any application whenever operating in true VGA mode. Additional home, end and delete keys make text editing easier."

An increasing number of people are using VGA Pocket PCs, and this is one common complaint I've heard and found myself about "true VGA" setups. Other folks are working on a solution as well, but if you need something now, here's a choice. 8)

An increasing number of people are using VGA Pocket PCs, and this is one common complaint I've heard and found myself about "true VGA" setups. Other folks are working on a solution as well, but if you need something now, here's a choice. 8)