Wednesday, December 1, 2004
World Of PPC Reviews The MDA Compact/HTC Magician
Posted by Janak Parekh in "HARDWARE" @ 10:00 AM
"The development is clear: If those were regarded to pocket PC Phone of edition devices (PPCPE) long time as niche product and supported of few manufacturers at all, the number of the devices at the end of of 2004 goes suddenly rapidly upward. With the t-mobile MDAIII and iPAQ 6340 is two PPCPE of the "old guard" available, and with the t-mobile SDA first in Germany of a carrier refugee Smartphone with Windows operating system. With the MDA Compact, which already geistert some months as "HTC Magician" by various forums and web pages, the taiwanesische manufacturer HTC now equipment sketched, which lies exactly between PPCPE and Smartphone. From the size near the SDA, of functionality with Touchscreen and dissolution completely clearly a pocket PC."

Humorous English translation (link) aside, this continues to look like a sweet device to me. Check out the pictures and see how close in size to a compact cell phone it is. :drool: Unfortunately, Andreas had trouble with its Bluetooth support -- it seems the BT headset problems that the HTC Blue Angel has is present here as well. :|

Humorous English translation (link) aside, this continues to look like a sweet device to me. Check out the pictures and see how close in size to a compact cell phone it is. :drool: Unfortunately, Andreas had trouble with its Bluetooth support -- it seems the BT headset problems that the HTC Blue Angel has is present here as well. :|