Monday, November 29, 2004
Geekzone Reviews the iGo Pitch Duo
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 04:00 PM
"I've seen other PowerPoint solutions for handheld devices before, but the iGo Pitch Duo opens a new world of flexibility. First it supports a wide range of mobile devices, from Windows Mobile Pocket PC to Palm OS and Symbian Series 60 smartphones. Symbian users will find a copy of the QuickPoint on the software CD plus a copy of QuickWord trial, while Palm users will have a full copy of QuickOffice Pro, including applications compatible with Microsoft Word and Excel. Users can connect handheld devices via USB using the synchronisation cables supplied with the handhelds or via Bluetooth, using the Anycom Bluetooth adapter supplied with the iGo Pitch Duo. If you decide to use the USB connection, you're welcome to use the Anycom Bluetooth adapter on your laptop or desktop, since the Bluetooth drivers are available on the software CD - although an older 1.2 version."

Doing PowerPoint from a Pocket PC is great, but the few times I've done it I've disliked the IR remotes I've used - it felt like too much of a struggle because I had to be so intentional about aiming, then pressing the button. I find it much easier to use my laptop and hit the spacebar. This device uses Bluetooth however, so it looks like the process would be much easier. Check out the Geekzone review for the details.

Doing PowerPoint from a Pocket PC is great, but the few times I've done it I've disliked the IR remotes I've used - it felt like too much of a struggle because I had to be so intentional about aiming, then pressing the button. I find it much easier to use my laptop and hit the spacebar. This device uses Bluetooth however, so it looks like the process would be much easier. Check out the Geekzone review for the details.