Monday, November 22, 2004
Toyota France Hub System Uses Pocket PC Phone Edition
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "HARDWARE" @ 05:16 PM
"Toyota Hub is Toyota France's exclusive consumer mobility service portal. In addition to traditional PDA functionalities, Toyota Hub offers a full range of services that can be purchased independently. Toyota Hub offers four main types of services: Toyota Club (information dedicated to the Toyota brand), On the move (services to help you find your way), Multimedia (free browsing of multiple infotainment services), Connect (to remain connected). - Webraska press release
Per Soroban Geeks, the system includes:
Qtek 2020: 756,00
Qtek 9090: 830,00
Complete integration in the vehicle for ~ 250/300
Holux bluetooth GR. 230GPS: 329,00
1 year of service included then 15 per month for the second year
Real time traffic information
Hub Information center service: 5 per month
SMS information: 3 per month
Skweezer service: 2/month

Kudos to Toyota France for using an innovative approach to GPS AND information center/concierge services! Here in the US, the most popular (and maybe only) similar service is GM's OnStar. Push a button and you'll be connected with an operator. You have to buy a GPS system separately, however, with both of them usually costing between $1500 to $3000, depending on the manufacturer. This seems like much more bang for the euro, as it were. ;) What do you think? Has anyone in France seen this? Would anyone in other countries be interested in having something like this as a dealer-installed option?
Per Soroban Geeks, the system includes:
Qtek 2020: 756,00
Qtek 9090: 830,00
Complete integration in the vehicle for ~ 250/300
Holux bluetooth GR. 230GPS: 329,00
1 year of service included then 15 per month for the second year
Real time traffic information
Hub Information center service: 5 per month
SMS information: 3 per month
Skweezer service: 2/month

Kudos to Toyota France for using an innovative approach to GPS AND information center/concierge services! Here in the US, the most popular (and maybe only) similar service is GM's OnStar. Push a button and you'll be connected with an operator. You have to buy a GPS system separately, however, with both of them usually costing between $1500 to $3000, depending on the manufacturer. This seems like much more bang for the euro, as it were. ;) What do you think? Has anyone in France seen this? Would anyone in other countries be interested in having something like this as a dealer-installed option?