Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Brando's Bluetooth Smart Keyboard
Posted by Janak Parekh in "HARDWARE" @ 08:00 AM
For those of you looking for a Bluetooth keyboard with a number row, Brando has another choice for you.

What's cool about this keyboard is that it has broad device support -- not just Pocket PCs, but Palms and a number of Smartphones. Some PPCT members have been discussing the keyboard, and PPCT member tourdewolf unearthed an iPAQ HQ review of the unit.

What's cool about this keyboard is that it has broad device support -- not just Pocket PCs, but Palms and a number of Smartphones. Some PPCT members have been discussing the keyboard, and PPCT member tourdewolf unearthed an iPAQ HQ review of the unit.