Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Pocket PC Thoughts Breaks 1 Million Visitors a Month in October
Posted by Jason Dunn in "UPDATE" @ 04:00 PM
October 2004 was a momentous month for Pocket PC Thoughts, and not because our server kept dying under the load. :lol: No, October was the first month in the four-year history of the site that we had more than one million visitors in a single month. Breaking the one million-a-month barrier has been a personal goal of mine for several months now. We've been hovering in the 900K range for six months or so, and I knew sooner or later we'd have a really hot month and bust through that one million mark. Here's the official graph:

I'd like to thank all of you, our readers, for coming back to visit us again and again. I'd like to thank you for your financial support as well, through our subscriber program, clicking on banners and supporting our sponsors, and for buying products through our affiliate links. 2004 has been a rough year financially, but through your support we've managed to stay alive. Thanks for helping up to break the one million mark, and here's to the next big milestone, whatever that may be! :way to go:

I'd like to thank all of you, our readers, for coming back to visit us again and again. I'd like to thank you for your financial support as well, through our subscriber program, clicking on banners and supporting our sponsors, and for buying products through our affiliate links. 2004 has been a rough year financially, but through your support we've managed to stay alive. Thanks for helping up to break the one million mark, and here's to the next big milestone, whatever that may be! :way to go: