Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Pocketnow Reviews MuskokaTech Pathaway GPS 3
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "ARTICLE" @ 02:00 PM
"MuskokaTech's PathAway GPS 3 comes with a very important additional program: The Map Manager program runs on your desktop system and allows you to convert maps from other sources into a format useable by PathAway GPS 3. PathAway also offers sophisticated tools for calibrating your map for use with GPS. This makes virtually any map that can be converted or scanned into a graphic image a map source for PathAway GPS 3. Even if you don't have a graphic map background, PathAway GPS 3 has a complete set of tools for tracking and/or capturing your current route, following a predetermined route, creating a new route through known points, and even sharing maps and routes with other PathAway GPS 3 users."

As a GPS fan, I always love reading about new ways to get my fix. The PathAway software looks very powerful and seems surpisingly cheap considering how much stuff they managed to cram in. There are a number of places to get graphic image maps for free, and judging from the (excellent) review, it's pretty easy to calibrate those maps. Personally, I think it'd be kind of neat to use aerial photography maps while driving. Or even while flying! You'd be using an aerial map while in the air! The mind boggles. You can buy the software for $59.95 from Handango. [Affiliate]
Note: It looks like they've jacked up the price since the review was written - it was $49.95, now it's $59.95. Make of that what you will. ;)

As a GPS fan, I always love reading about new ways to get my fix. The PathAway software looks very powerful and seems surpisingly cheap considering how much stuff they managed to cram in. There are a number of places to get graphic image maps for free, and judging from the (excellent) review, it's pretty easy to calibrate those maps. Personally, I think it'd be kind of neat to use aerial photography maps while driving. Or even while flying! You'd be using an aerial map while in the air! The mind boggles. You can buy the software for $59.95 from Handango. [Affiliate]
Note: It looks like they've jacked up the price since the review was written - it was $49.95, now it's $59.95. Make of that what you will. ;)