Friday, October 29, 2004
T-Mobile in Germany Remove Camera from MDA III: Much Rejoicing
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "THOUGHT" @ 04:00 AM
"T-Mobile in Germany is adapting its version of the mobile handset (MDA III) for the enterprise by removing features. Following the lead of Verizon and Sprint in the United States—both of which offer a camera-less palmOne Treo 600—the carrier giant is releasing a version of the MDA III without a digital camera. The goal is to make the smartphone more attractive to enterprises, as many companies often don't allow their employees to carry devices with cameras to protect their own and clients sensitive data."
Sometime, less is more. I believe that this is one of those cases. Less cameras in PDAs and phones, means that you can take them with you more. T-Mobile are to be applauded taking the camera out of the MDA III. It would be nice to think that they were adding extra battery capacity etc to make use of the extra space, but that's unlikely. That's why it would be good if more phone and PDA manufactures left the cameras off most models. They could be lighter / have more battery capacity / smaller / have more features because they don't have onboard snappers. Just a thought. Now, how do I get hold of a German MDA III? ;-)

Sometime, less is more. I believe that this is one of those cases. Less cameras in PDAs and phones, means that you can take them with you more. T-Mobile are to be applauded taking the camera out of the MDA III. It would be nice to think that they were adding extra battery capacity etc to make use of the extra space, but that's unlikely. That's why it would be good if more phone and PDA manufactures left the cameras off most models. They could be lighter / have more battery capacity / smaller / have more features because they don't have onboard snappers. Just a thought. Now, how do I get hold of a German MDA III? ;-)