Monday, October 25, 2004 - A Japanese Gadget Import Site
Posted by Janak Parekh in "SITES & RESOURCES" @ 03:00 PM
Daimaou, of Akihabara News fame, has just started something that may be potentially dangerous for the hardcore gadget fans amongst you: a purchasing site that gives you the opportunity to import Japanese gadgets, much like Dynamism but more focused on handheld technologies.

Right now, the selection's a little limited but there's already a bunch of cool toys, and they're working on expanding their selection quickly. They'll be supporting multiple languages (not just English), and will even support keyboard localization on request and can try to do special orders as well. Admittedly, many of these things aren't going to be cheap, but if there's that something special that's only usually sold in Japan that you absolutely want, you'll want to check these guys out.

Right now, the selection's a little limited but there's already a bunch of cool toys, and they're working on expanding their selection quickly. They'll be supporting multiple languages (not just English), and will even support keyboard localization on request and can try to do special orders as well. Admittedly, many of these things aren't going to be cheap, but if there's that something special that's only usually sold in Japan that you absolutely want, you'll want to check these guys out.