Thursday, October 21, 2004
Pocket PC Addict Reviews Wisbar Advance 2.0
Posted by Janak Parekh in "SOFTWARE" @ 07:00 AM
"It was about three weeks ago when I heard that Wisbar Advanced had been updated to version 2.0. As I mentioned in my post, I used Wisbar from the first build all the way to the Wisbar Advanced 1.0 version. Unfortunately, I experienced some slowdowns with the 1.0 version when I installed it on my WM 2003 device, thus I had to remove it. Chris Lakeridge, the developer, had written that he built Wisbar Advanced 2.0 from the ground up and that it was better, stronger and more stable. Is Wisbar Advanced 2.0 the taskbar manager that dreams are made of? Or is it just a skinnable toy that's "gee whiz" factor wears off in a day or two? Read on to find out!"

There are many Wisbar Advance fans out there, so for those of you wondering why, here's a good review of the newest version... it's all about the customizability. ;)

There are many Wisbar Advance fans out there, so for those of you wondering why, here's a good review of the newest version... it's all about the customizability. ;)