Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Order a Dell Axim X50 Direct from Dell
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 07:12 AM
[This post wasn't going to go live until 12 PM today, when the press embargo lifts, but since it's live at the Dell.com site, I don't think Dell will mind. You can look for my review of the X50 to be published later today.]

Want to purchase one of the new Dell Axim X50 Pocket PCs? You can help support Pocket PC Thoughts by using the link below:
Purchase a Dell Axim Pocket PC
[please note that the above link seems to be a bit unstable - the LinkShare affiliate server is overloaded and it may not work the first time you click on it - please keep trying, the link does work. If you have no intention of buying the Dell and just want to see the specs, you can use this link instead, but if you buy one, I'd appreciate you using our affiliate link - thanks!]
The above link shows all three of the Dell Axim models - I've been using an X50 for the past few days (not the X50v, that arrives today for me) and it's a great Pocket PC! :mrgreen: [Affiliate]
UPDATE: I'm still working on the X50 review, so please save your questions until I publish the review in a few hours. If I spend my morning answer questions about the X50, I'll never get the review done. Thanks for your patience! ;-)

Want to purchase one of the new Dell Axim X50 Pocket PCs? You can help support Pocket PC Thoughts by using the link below:
Purchase a Dell Axim Pocket PC
[please note that the above link seems to be a bit unstable - the LinkShare affiliate server is overloaded and it may not work the first time you click on it - please keep trying, the link does work. If you have no intention of buying the Dell and just want to see the specs, you can use this link instead, but if you buy one, I'd appreciate you using our affiliate link - thanks!]
The above link shows all three of the Dell Axim models - I've been using an X50 for the past few days (not the X50v, that arrives today for me) and it's a great Pocket PC! :mrgreen: [Affiliate]
UPDATE: I'm still working on the X50 review, so please save your questions until I publish the review in a few hours. If I spend my morning answer questions about the X50, I'll never get the review done. Thanks for your patience! ;-)