Thursday, October 7, 2004
Spb Software House Releases Survey Results
Posted by Janak Parekh in "ARTICLE" @ 02:00 PM
Spb has finally released the results of their big survey.

Lots of interesting data here, so I suggest you click through and slice-and-dice it yourself; but, I noticed two interesting datapoints immediately. The male-to-female ratio is woefully skewed (94% to 6%) -- I suspect that more females use Pocket PCs but just didn't take the survey; what do you think? Also, the number of people with a system utility is greater than those that don't (29% of people run Pocket Plus, compared to 23% of survey takers that don't use any system utility). Considering that "none" was the top answer for all the other software categories, there's a clear indication that people consider the Pocket PC OS as needy in system utilities (*cough*close button*cough*) more than anything else.

Lots of interesting data here, so I suggest you click through and slice-and-dice it yourself; but, I noticed two interesting datapoints immediately. The male-to-female ratio is woefully skewed (94% to 6%) -- I suspect that more females use Pocket PCs but just didn't take the survey; what do you think? Also, the number of people with a system utility is greater than those that don't (29% of people run Pocket Plus, compared to 23% of survey takers that don't use any system utility). Considering that "none" was the top answer for all the other software categories, there's a clear indication that people consider the Pocket PC OS as needy in system utilities (*cough*close button*cough*) more than anything else.