Monday, November 1, 2004
Weathering Those Brainstorms on the Go with MindManager Mobile X5 for Pocket PC
Posted by John Walkosak in "SOFTWARE" @ 09:00 AM

Product Category: Productivity software
Manufacturer: Mindjet
Where to Buy: Available from the Mindjet Website.
Price: $49.99 USD (MindManager X5 for the desktop is $199.00, MindManager X5 Pro for the desktop is $299.00)
System Requirements: Runs on all Pocket PCs.
- Great synchronization with desktop software;
- Can create mindmaps on the fly.
- Expensive;
- Does not allow for the same freeform inputting;
- Not much use without the $200.00 to $300.00 desktop software.
Many people have heard of mindmapping software for desktop PCs, which helps to organize ideas and structure thoughts, but that only works when you are sitting at your desk. Some of my best thoughts occur when I am walking through a store, or sitting in a restaurant. Can MindManager Mobile X5 for Pocket PC help me to herd these thoughts into something usable?
Read on for the full review!