Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Sena Cases For iPAQ h6300 And rz1700 Series
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "THOUGHT" @ 04:00 AM
SenaCases has cases ready to go for the new iPAQ 6300 and 1700 series.
Both of these models are regularly priced for $39.99 (no-clip versions) and $44.99 (ultra-clip versions). During the pre-order period, they can be pre-ordered from Sena Cases website ( for 15% less than the regular price.

iPAQ rz1700 in a SenaCase
Both models come in several colors and are $39.99 for no clip or $44.99 with a clip.
SenaCases has cases ready to go for the new iPAQ 6300 and 1700 series.
Both of these models are regularly priced for $39.99 (no-clip versions) and $44.99 (ultra-clip versions). During the pre-order period, they can be pre-ordered from Sena Cases website ( for 15% less than the regular price.

iPAQ rz1700 in a SenaCase
Both models come in several colors and are $39.99 for no clip or $44.99 with a clip.