Tuesday, September 21, 2004
PocketMatrix Reviews the Asus A730
Posted by Jason Dunn in "ARTICLE" @ 11:00 AM
"Asus has really gone in a new direction with their upcoming a730 line of PDA’s. They are offering two devices carrying the a730 name, one with 64mb of RAM and Bluetooth. The other will be offering 128mb of RAM, Bluetooth and WiFi. This review is of the 64mb unit with Bluetooth only. Another important note is that although some of you may have already seen a couple a730 reviews on the internet, many of those reviews were written based on pre-production hardware. This review is of a final production unit. All of the images throughout this review can be clicked to see a much larger high resolution picture."

This A730 looks like a powerful PDA, but when I saw the photo of it on top of an iPAQ 1900, I realized how chunky it really is. That's one thick PDA!

This A730 looks like a powerful PDA, but when I saw the photo of it on top of an iPAQ 1900, I realized how chunky it really is. That's one thick PDA!