Friday, September 17, 2004
Roadwired Pod versus Hurricane Ivan: Fight!
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 12:00 PM
"You may have guessed from the rest of that I love gadgets: I normally have one or two gadgets in my pockets but when I travel on business or go on vacation I need a better solution for transporting my camera, iPod mini, Pocket PC, cases, headphones, chargers, memory cards, etc etc etc. Roadwired were kind enough to send me their Pod "digital lifestyle" bag and I tested it on a 10 day trip to Mexico: A trip that ended with Category 5 Hurricane Ivan coming to visit! How did the Pod cope with Ivan?, keep reading to find out..."

A Pod, packed with electronics gear, and a hurricane. Makes for a gripping story - but, really, there's no match. I'll give away the ending: the Pod won. 8)

A Pod, packed with electronics gear, and a hurricane. Makes for a gripping story - but, really, there's no match. I'll give away the ending: the Pod won. 8)