Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Duke Nukem Comes to the Pocket PC
Posted by Pat Logsdon in "SOFTWARE" @ 04:00 AM

Yes, you read that right. Duke Nukem Forever is apparently going to take that long to come out, but you CAN play Duke Nukem 3D on your Pocket PC while you wait. Well, kinda. As it turns out, there are a few problems, like not being able to fire and stuff. Oh, and the person who ported it doesn't have a Pocket PC. But while this sounds grim to the point of comedy, all is not as it seems! According to posts over at pocketgamer, the game CAN be played just fine using a folding keyboard, and the developer is really working hard at getting things fixed. You can download the game at mobinaute, and you can read all the gory details over at pocketgamer. <old school> Now, does anyone know if the FIRST Duke Nukem and/or Commander Keen are available for the Pocket PC?</old school> 8)