Monday, September 20, 2004
New Series of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Mostly Excellent
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 12:00 AM
"Twenty-five years after the original radio series of Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy exploded into the public consciousness, the further exploits of its bewildered hero, Arthur Dent, are being brought to life in their original medium and with the (mainly) original cast. The last three books of the ‘trilogy in five parts’, Life, The Universe And Everything; So Long And Thanks For All The Fish and Mostly Harmless, have been dramatised as two new series (none of them were previously produced for radio)…… Thanks to the wonders of digital technology, Douglas Adams himself can be heard playing the part of Agrajag."

Just a quick reminder. The new series of the "The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy" starts in the UK tomorrow on Radio 4 at 18:30 (repeated Thursday 23 September at 23:00). But, if you don't live in the UK, don't panic. You can use the BBC's 'Listen again' service to stream the show across the net. (Each episode will be available for 7 days following the Thursday evening repeats, i.e. every Thursday 23:00 GMT+1). The 'Listen again' link and episode guides are here. The only non-excellent part, is that there are only six new episodes in this series, with a wait untill May 2005 for the rest. :wink: I'm looking forward to this. :mrgreen: Anyone else?

Just a quick reminder. The new series of the "The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy" starts in the UK tomorrow on Radio 4 at 18:30 (repeated Thursday 23 September at 23:00). But, if you don't live in the UK, don't panic. You can use the BBC's 'Listen again' service to stream the show across the net. (Each episode will be available for 7 days following the Thursday evening repeats, i.e. every Thursday 23:00 GMT+1). The 'Listen again' link and episode guides are here. The only non-excellent part, is that there are only six new episodes in this series, with a wait untill May 2005 for the rest. :wink: I'm looking forward to this. :mrgreen: Anyone else?