Saturday, September 11, 2004
Thanks for the GREAT Calligrapher Macros!
Posted by Brad Adrian in "SOFTWARE" @ 03:00 AM
I'd like to extend a very special thanks to both robshobs and PatrickD! A couple of weeks ago, we started a thread for sharing the various Calligrapher macros that you readers have come up with. It was a GREAT discussion, and I think that anybody who uses Calligrapher or is even thinking of using Calligrapher should read it. robshobs and PatrickD contributed TONS of macros that covered everything from initiating new e-mail message to changing network settings.
As promised, as a thanks for helping us all out with great macro ideas, we're going to send robshobs and PatrickD one of our spiffy, not-available-in-stores, official Pocket PC Thoughts MicroLight.

Thanks again to these two readers and to everyone who contributed to the discussion!
As promised, as a thanks for helping us all out with great macro ideas, we're going to send robshobs and PatrickD one of our spiffy, not-available-in-stores, official Pocket PC Thoughts MicroLight.

Thanks again to these two readers and to everyone who contributed to the discussion!