Friday, September 10, 2004
NYT: The Rise Of Retro Tech
Posted by Janak Parekh in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 06:00 PM
"WHEN most people shop for a cellphone, considerations like aesthetics, size and features usually top the list. For most, the sleeker, the smaller and the more fully loaded the phone, the better. But when Eugene Auh went trawling at eBay for a cheap cellphone last month, he searched for one with a decidedly anachronistic bent."

To be nostalgic is human, I guess, and this article takes a humorous look at past technology and how people miss it to the point of either reusing it or housing newer tech in classic cases. I still remember the Timex Sinclair we played briefly with at home, and I'm still very fond of my memories of the C64, on which I spent many an hour playing and programming (well, and fixing others' C64s and 1541s, for that matter). That said, I'm not going back to those ancient analog phone bricks. ;) How about you? How far back did your gadgets go, and have you resurrected or dusted off any of them?

To be nostalgic is human, I guess, and this article takes a humorous look at past technology and how people miss it to the point of either reusing it or housing newer tech in classic cases. I still remember the Timex Sinclair we played briefly with at home, and I'm still very fond of my memories of the C64, on which I spent many an hour playing and programming (well, and fixing others' C64s and 1541s, for that matter). That said, I'm not going back to those ancient analog phone bricks. ;) How about you? How far back did your gadgets go, and have you resurrected or dusted off any of them?