Monday, September 13, 2004
Add some Flash to your (To)Day! -- a review of Flashdash
Posted by Don Tolson in "SOFTWARE" @ 09:00 AM

Product Category: Today Screen replacement
Manufacturer: Gigabyte Solutions
Where to Buy: Handango [Affiliate]
Price: $19.95 USD. A 14-day trial period will be available.
System Requirements: Requires Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX which uses 878K of memory. Flashdash needs 2.7M. It must be installed to main memory to work consistently.
Specifications: Available for all ARM/X-scale devices running Pocket PC 2002 or Pocket Mobile 2003.
- Clean, intuitive, professional interface;
- feature-packed;
- compatible with Snoopsoft Dashboard;
- available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
- memory intensive, which can slow things down on smaller Pocket PC’s;
- updates every 3 minutes (non configurable), so you may have to wait to see changes;
- a bit pricy for a today-screen replacement.
Flashdash is a soon to be announced new product from Gigabyte Solutions. Two years in the making, it provides a professionally designed Today screen interface which supports animated backdrops and brings a whole bunch of system features right to the forefront.
Read on for the full review!