Friday, August 27, 2004
Now I Know The Problem With My Pocket PC. I Slept On It!!!
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 02:30 PM
HP has clarified a problem I've been having with my Pocket PC. Apparently, they aren't designed to be slept on. 8O

Other useful tidbits include "Don't bang your iPAQ against hard objects." I would like to see the next page of this manual. It is sure to include gems like:
• Don't put your iPAQ under water.
• Don't place your iPAQ under your car's tire to keep it from rolling down a hill.
• Don't use your iPAQ for target practice.
• Don't use your iPAQ as a shim in a Terex Titan 282B if it isn't sitting level.
• Don't use your iPAQ as an ad hoc thermal tile on the Space Shuttle
Any other things we shouldn't do with our iPAQs? :bangin:
HP has clarified a problem I've been having with my Pocket PC. Apparently, they aren't designed to be slept on. 8O

Other useful tidbits include "Don't bang your iPAQ against hard objects." I would like to see the next page of this manual. It is sure to include gems like:
• Don't put your iPAQ under water.
• Don't place your iPAQ under your car's tire to keep it from rolling down a hill.
• Don't use your iPAQ for target practice.
• Don't use your iPAQ as a shim in a Terex Titan 282B if it isn't sitting level.
• Don't use your iPAQ as an ad hoc thermal tile on the Space Shuttle
Any other things we shouldn't do with our iPAQs? :bangin: