Friday, August 27, 2004
Save 20% on Resco's Explorer 2003
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 11:06 AM
"A powerful file management utility for your Pocket PC. It implements all standard features such as file/folder manipulation. You can copy, move or delete files, create folders, run programs with arguments and search for files or folders."

Resco Explorer 2003 is one of the most full-featured file explorers on the market today - it offers file encryption, zip compression, a built-in file viewer, a registry editor, and a network browser. I've used this application before and it's very powerful - their latest update adds FTP support, sending files via Bluetooth, and drag 'n drop support. The normal price is $24.95, but the 20% off sale saves you $4.99 USD, for a final price of $19.96. If you're looking for a powerful file explorer, check out Resco's Explorer 2003.

Resco Explorer 2003 is one of the most full-featured file explorers on the market today - it offers file encryption, zip compression, a built-in file viewer, a registry editor, and a network browser. I've used this application before and it's very powerful - their latest update adds FTP support, sending files via Bluetooth, and drag 'n drop support. The normal price is $24.95, but the 20% off sale saves you $4.99 USD, for a final price of $19.96. If you're looking for a powerful file explorer, check out Resco's Explorer 2003.