Thursday, August 19, 2004
My Work Is Finished!
Posted by Brad Adrian in "THOUGHT" @ 01:00 AM
I have been SOOOO busy getting ready to send my oldest son off to college, doing things like making sure his notebook PC is configured correctly and keeps its antivirus definitions up to date. He's the least nerdy in the family, so I've had to make sure that his computer is protected without requiring much intervention. Just this afternoon, though, my un-nerdy son came to me with those words that every parent in my situation longs to hear:
"Dad, can I have a Pocket PC to take with me to college?"
BWAAAHAAAAAAAA!! FINALLY! The last holdout in my family has given into me and come to the dark side! Two of my kids had recently become Pocket PC converts, so now, my family consists of:

• Me, and my years-long fascination with Pocket PCs
• My wife, who uses my old Casio EM500 for nothing but mahjong and Solitaire
• My daughter, who has become a whiz at IM-ing her friends with a Pocket PC and folding keyboard
• My second son, who loves to use a Pocket PC to write reports and to use our WiFi network to surf the 'Net.
• And NOW, my oldest son, who will be taking a brand new iPAQ completely loaded with every application I think he might possibly want(Thank heaven for 512MB SD cards)!
What more could "the geekiest geek to ever geek his way into Geektown" want?
"Dad, can I have a Pocket PC to take with me to college?"
BWAAAHAAAAAAAA!! FINALLY! The last holdout in my family has given into me and come to the dark side! Two of my kids had recently become Pocket PC converts, so now, my family consists of:

• Me, and my years-long fascination with Pocket PCs
• My wife, who uses my old Casio EM500 for nothing but mahjong and Solitaire
• My daughter, who has become a whiz at IM-ing her friends with a Pocket PC and folding keyboard
• My second son, who loves to use a Pocket PC to write reports and to use our WiFi network to surf the 'Net.
• And NOW, my oldest son, who will be taking a brand new iPAQ completely loaded with every application I think he might possibly want(Thank heaven for 512MB SD cards)!
What more could "the geekiest geek to ever geek his way into Geektown" want?