Friday, August 6, 2004
Mars 2145 AD: PDA's DOOMed
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 03:30 PM
In a recent thread Szamot pointed out that DOOM 3 makes use of a PDA as part of the overall storyline. This Gamespot review gives more details of how it works:
"Adding to the adventure-game feel in Doom 3 is your marine's PDA, which you can call up at any time with the Tab key. This PDA keeps track of e-mails, audio recordings, and video files available to your own character. More importantly, the PDA can also store the same sorts of data contained in other characters' PDAs, which you'll find scattered around the base. These e-mails and audio recordings seem to serve a dual function: First, they help to flesh out the storyline and atmosphere, in the style of, say, Resident Evil or System Shock 2; and second, they often contain passcodes or hints that you'll need to progress to the next area. You can get into and out of the PDA, listen to recordings, and read e-mails expeditiously. We don't expect that the use of this device will significantly hinder the flow of Doom 3's action."

So, email, MP3s, Video clips, personal information storage, high speed access to data and network enabled. Yup, that's a pocket PC all right. :lol: Good to see that in the future HP have come to their senses and are making PPCs that looks like the iPAQ 5550 series again. :wink: That's the closest I plan to come to Doom 3, because I really don't like watching horror films, let alone 'participating' in one. 8O
"Adding to the adventure-game feel in Doom 3 is your marine's PDA, which you can call up at any time with the Tab key. This PDA keeps track of e-mails, audio recordings, and video files available to your own character. More importantly, the PDA can also store the same sorts of data contained in other characters' PDAs, which you'll find scattered around the base. These e-mails and audio recordings seem to serve a dual function: First, they help to flesh out the storyline and atmosphere, in the style of, say, Resident Evil or System Shock 2; and second, they often contain passcodes or hints that you'll need to progress to the next area. You can get into and out of the PDA, listen to recordings, and read e-mails expeditiously. We don't expect that the use of this device will significantly hinder the flow of Doom 3's action."

So, email, MP3s, Video clips, personal information storage, high speed access to data and network enabled. Yup, that's a pocket PC all right. :lol: Good to see that in the future HP have come to their senses and are making PPCs that looks like the iPAQ 5550 series again. :wink: That's the closest I plan to come to Doom 3, because I really don't like watching horror films, let alone 'participating' in one. 8O