Saturday, July 31, 2004
Bsquare Stop Power Handheld Production
Posted by Jonathon Watkins in "UPDATE" @ 02:00 PM
We've posted a few times about the Bsquare Power Handheld (PH) Windows CE .net wireless PDA. However, the Register brings news that Bsquare are to stop making the Power Handheld device altogether. Instead the company will try to licence the hardware design and the application & utility software to OEMs.

"Essentially, Bsquare suffered the fate that overcomes many hardware start-ups - it simply couldn't sell enough units to cover the ongoing development and manufacturing costs and to deliver lower end-user pricing over time. It's a shame - the PH has its flaws, but it remains a solid alternative to too-small PDAs and too-large notebooks. The demise of the PH leaves the handheld PC leaves the market open to the likes of Tiqit, OQO and FlipStart. HP too is said to be pondering a return to the handheld PC market."
So, one less Windows CE device then. :? Guess that leaves the field clear for the rest. We've heard rumours about HP coming back into the HPC market and it would be good if something came from it. I miss my clamshell PDAs....... :cry:

"Essentially, Bsquare suffered the fate that overcomes many hardware start-ups - it simply couldn't sell enough units to cover the ongoing development and manufacturing costs and to deliver lower end-user pricing over time. It's a shame - the PH has its flaws, but it remains a solid alternative to too-small PDAs and too-large notebooks. The demise of the PH leaves the handheld PC leaves the market open to the likes of Tiqit, OQO and FlipStart. HP too is said to be pondering a return to the handheld PC market."
So, one less Windows CE device then. :? Guess that leaves the field clear for the rest. We've heard rumours about HP coming back into the HPC market and it would be good if something came from it. I miss my clamshell PDAs....... :cry: