Sunday, July 4, 2004
Can I Learn To Speak Gooder English?
Posted by Brad Adrian in "SOFTWARE" @ 01:00 AM
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that Brad's already got a pretty good vocabulary and doesn't need to try to make it gooder. Well, even with people like me there is always room for betterness, and the Power Words Today screen plug-in can help.

"Wake up to learn a new word every day and improve your word power one word at a time! Included is a year's worth of words, and a new word is displayed every day, automatically changing with the day of the week."
Power Words displays vocabulary words one at a time on your Today screen, but you can also review the collection of all of the words.
You can get a free demo and choose from three different year-long vocabulary lists, each for $10.00. As always, you can grab these easily from the Handango site. I'm a firm believer in self improvement, so I think I'm gonna take a good look at this software. It's a lot easier than doing situps, that's for sure.

"Wake up to learn a new word every day and improve your word power one word at a time! Included is a year's worth of words, and a new word is displayed every day, automatically changing with the day of the week."
Power Words displays vocabulary words one at a time on your Today screen, but you can also review the collection of all of the words.
You can get a free demo and choose from three different year-long vocabulary lists, each for $10.00. As always, you can grab these easily from the Handango site. I'm a firm believer in self improvement, so I think I'm gonna take a good look at this software. It's a lot easier than doing situps, that's for sure.